Few years ago, I received an email with some beautiful dessert pictures attached.
That's how I started to fall in love with wagashi 和菓子.
I even set those pictures as my desktop wallpaper. Hehe.
I compiled all the pictures attached with the email into 2 master pictures.

The whole piece of wagashi.

Cut open wagashi.
From Wikipedia:
Wagashi is a traditional Japanese confectionery which is often served with tea (very bitter tea), especially the types made of mochi, azuki bean paste, and fruits.
From another website:
Wagashi are traditional Japanese confections that evolved into an art form in the ancient Imperial capital, Kyoto. The character pronounced '
wa' denotes things Japanese, while the characters for '
gashi', an alliteration of kashi, have come to mean confections.
My own words:
Wagashi is those
wickedly yet
sinfully traditional Japanese dessert, which is crafted so
beautifully that you can't even allow yourself to put it into your mouth. Oh yeah, it's extremely

The first picture you will get when you google 'wagashi'.

Wagashi named dango. Basically it's a small, sticky sweet mochi, commonly skewered on a stick.

Assorted types of wagashi. It breaks your heart when you chew them in your mouth.

Cute wagashi for kids.

Yeah. They are wagashi too. Not those gummy bear your found in your hypermarket.
Me personally have tried a wagashi before.
The outer packaging~

And tada~ a cute little chicky wagashi!

One word to describe the taste after trying it ----->
SWEET!!!!!Seriously, it is sweet enough to make me headache!
I couldn't finish even that 1 piece.
So I shared that wagashi with mr. tong sampah. T.T
Wokay, more nice wagashi pictures...

Colourful wagashi. Awww~

Looks like small little pumpkins.

Wagashi for their 女儿节. Direct translation --> Daughter's Day. Lol.

Konyaku wagashi

Wagashi which are not edible. Why? This one is rubber larrr.